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Christian Candrian


Professor Dr. med. Christian Candrian is the head of the Traumatology and Orthopaedics Unit of the Ospedale Regionale di Lugano (Civico e Italiano), and consultant for orthopaedic surgery at the Ospedale Regionale di Locarno.

Professor Dr. med. Christian Candrian took is Master degree in Medicine at the University of Zürich in 1998 and has obtained the FMH for surgery in 2004 and for orthopaedics in 2007.

From 2015 he has obtained the Venia docendi at the University of Basel and from 2019 has become Professor at the University of Lugano (USI), Faculty of Biomedical Sciences. He is also lecturer for the Superior technical school for professional care of Lugano and at the Superior medico-technical school of Lugano.

Professor Dr. med. Christian Candrian has a great interest in the ortho-trauma research; he contributed to the foundation of the laboratory for “Tissue Engineering of the locomotor system of southern Switzerland” and founded the Clinical Research group of the Orthopaedics and Traumatology Unit at the Regional Hospital of Lugano.

He is member of many orthopaedics societies such the Swiss Society of Orthopaedics (SGO), the Swiss Society of Surgery and Traumatology (SGACT), the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Arthroskopie (AGA), the International Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS) and the Società Ortopedia del Ticino (SOTI). He is the Swiss delegate of Trauma Educational Committee of EFORT (European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology). He is author of more than 50 publications, many of them on high impact scientific journals such as AJSM, KSSTA, Osteoarthritis Cartilage, Arthritis Rheum. and Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews.


1. Delcogliano M., Deabate L., Del Grande F., Pagliazzi G., Gaffurini P., Candrian C. Studio randomizzato controllato del processo di legamentizzazione e integrazione del graft nella ricostruzione del legamento crociato anteriore con o senza distacco dell’inserzione tibiale die tendini Semitendinoso e Gracile del ginocchio. (started in February 2019).

2. Delcogliano M., Induni-Lang G., di Laura Frattura G., Napoli F., Davanzo D., Deabate L., Del Grande F., Gaffurini P., Candrian C. nSTRIDE APS versus Hyaluronic Acid for Knee Osteoarthritis (APSS-66-00) (studio multicentrico, randomizzato, in due fasi che confronta le infiltrazioni intra-articolari di soluzione di protein autologhe con quelle di acido ialuronico in pazienti affetti da artrosi (OA) del ginocchio- PROGRESS V. Iniziato reclutamento il 7 marzo 2018).

3. Moretti M., Arigoni C., Candrian C. Ewing sarcoma metastatic invasion dissected through new 3D vascularized human microfluidic models recapitulating endochondral ossification.

4. Moretti M., Arigoni C., Candrian C. Study of the immodulatory and condroprotective effect of mesenchmal stem cells with a new model in arthtic joints (partenza studio primavera 2017).

5. Serra T., Moretti M., Candrian C. Sound Induced Morphogenesis (3D-SIM): BRIDGE Proof of Concept grant, partners of AO Foundation Davos (CH),

6. Delcogliano M., Candrian C. Pilot study of a new prothesis for transfemoral amputated patients: impianto previsto primavera 2018. (Approvazione da Swissmedic (categoria A) e comissione etica).

7. Marbach F, Odorizzi M, Delcogliano M., Candrian C. The brace after arthroscopic repair of the rotator cuff: Is it really mandatory or just a trend? (Prospective randomized study).

8. Del Grande F., Delcogliano M., Candrian C. Caipirina SPACE knee project: Testing new 3D sequences for the MRI study of the knee. (The study is under recruiting fase).

9. Barbero M.; Marbach. F., Candrian C. Rotation axis evaluation of the instable shoulder. (The study is under recruiting fase).

10. Delcogliano M., Candrian C. Pilot Study of new prosthesis for Trans-Femoral amputated patients. (recruting fase).

11. Delcogliano M., Schoenweger F., Marbach F., Candrian C., Tutore vs mitella nella terapia riabilitativa dopo sutura in artroscopia della cuffia dei rotatori: studio monocentrico randomizzato. (recruting fase).

12. Candrian C., Deabate L., Del Grande F., Pagliazzi G., Gaffurini P.,Previtali D., Cuzzolin M., Feltri P., Delcogliano M., Studio randomizzato controllato del processo di legamentizzazione e integrazione del graft nella ricostruzione del legamento crociato anteriore con o senza distacco dell’inserzione tibiale dei tendini Semitendinoso e Gracile del ginocchio . (recruting fase)

13. Napoli F., Candrian C., Valutazione della rigenerazione osteocondrale con scaffold biomimetico. (data collection).

14. Napoli F., Candrian C., O-Arm: Fixation of syndesmosis injury: intraoperative screw position control with the O-Arm© system in a pilot study. (data collection).

15. Candrian C., Schiavon G., Testa E., Immediate vs delayed weight-bearing after surgical treatment of malleolar fractures: a multicentre randomized controlled trial. (starting in March 2021).

16. Deabate L., Previtali D., Maino P., Czarnetski C., Koetsier E., Monteleone A., Candrian C., Comparison of perioperative intravenous vs periarticular dexamethasone vs no steroid supplementation in terms of post-operative pain, function, nausea, hospitalization length, and risk of complications in patients undergoing primary total knee arthroplasty for knee osteoarthritis – A randomized controlled trial. (starting in March 2021).

17. Mondini Trissino da Lodi C., Arrigoni C., Candrian C., A piloty study to examine synovial fluid extracellular vesicles as new diagnostic approach for knee osteoarthritis.  (starting in March 2021).

18. Davanzo D., Fiore P., Cuzzolin M., Candrian C., (ADAPT): Improving intramedullary nailing of proximal femoral fractures through a navigation assisted technique: a double blinded randomized control trial. (starting in March 2021).

19. Di Laura Frattura G., Cuzzolin M., Candrian C.,  Assessment of joint derangement in ACL reconstructed patients at a minimum 3 years of follow-up. (recruting fase).

20. Marbach F., Lehoczky G., Binda T., Milev Roumanov S., Maino P., Czarnetski C., Koetsier E., Mondini Trissino da Lodi C., Candrian C., Effect of perioperative intravenous dexamethasone administration in patients undergoing total shoulder arthroplasty for osteoarthritis, in terms of post-operative pain, function, nausea, hospitalization length, and risk of complications – A randomized controlled trial. (starting in March 2021).

21. Previtali D., Mondini Trissino da Lodi C., Candrian C.,The importance of Ecological Momentary Assessment to capture the whole patient’s symptoms experience in musculo-skeletal conditions. (starting in March 2021).

22. Marbach F., Schonweger F., Feltri P., Candrian C., Surgical satety and ettectiveness in orthopedics:Swiss-wide multicenter evaluation and prediction ot core outcomes in arthroscopic rotator cutt reconstruction. (arruolamento in corso) (recruting fase).